Monday, January 28, 2019

Weekly Sketches #2

This week I inked the  Jon Snow sketch I did last week and then my nephew asked if I would draw Master Chief for him. I currently don't have a picture of the Inked Jon Snow but I will upload that soon. 

This guy was a sketch I did in Photoshop on my tablet and then began to ink it in. I am really liking the high contrast style.

Update: Here is the Jon Snow one I finished inking.
I think for one of these weekly sketches I may color one of these, that might be fun :)

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Character Sheets

A friend of mine was working on pitch for an animated show and asked me to come up with some basic character sheets for him. Here are a few revisions and sheets I did for him.

Weekly Sketches #1

I have been meaning to start a weekly sketch thing on my blog, well now is the time. The purpose of these is just to upload images of sketches I completed throughout the week. I think it will be fun to see the progression overtime if there is any ahaha!

Lets begin. Here are my sketches for Week 1, enjoy!

As you can see from the above image, I will not be skipping any pages, even if they are absolute crap :)

This week focused a little bit on hands just for some more practice.


Yet again another terrible drawing. It's good to critique your own work. It is one thing to know that it looks wrong another to know why.

This one is a rework of the one from above. I still think the pose is quite static. It needs some angles.

This one is not yet "done" but my goal is to take an image (this is based off of Jon Snow) and give it that "comic feel"